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Logical Reasonings

A) Want to win an easy $50? Sign up for our Facebook sweepstakes for your chance to win fifty big ones. You can also follow us on Twitter and +1 us on Google+ for additional entries. Check it out. Facebook. (And don’t forget: Today’s the last day to withdraw from the February 2012 LSAT!)

B) “I see on your resume here you can do thirty-five pull-ups. Impressive. But we only hire people who can do thirty-six pull-ups.” Gawker.

C) If you think your grandma had great snacks, read about this pothead granny. Huffington Post.

D) That REM song “It’s the End of the World as We Know it” wasn’t about gay marriage, after all. Tumblr.

E) These zookeepers in Tokyo are prepared for a rhino escape. How? They made a giant papier-mâché of a rhino and pretended he was trampling them, that’s how. Matador Network.