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Logical Reasonings

A. OMG, the first black bachelorette is a graduate of Marquette Law School. Journal-Sentinel

B. Federal immigration agents have, for the first time, arrested a so-called “Dreamer,” an immigrant brought here as a child and who received protected status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals executive order signed by Barack Obama and still ostensibly on the books. Salon

C. Kim Jong Nam, brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, was murdered in a Malaysian airport. CNN

D. Did you catch all the Pokemon (or whatever the hell it is you do)? Good news. More Pokemon are on their way. Forbes

E. Oprah Winfrey has released a 1990 tape of the ex-wife of Andrew Puzder, Donald Trump’s nominee for Labor Secretary, alleging years of physical and verbal abuse. Politico